September 17, 2009
“”The UFCW respects the decision by UNITE HERE to return to the AFL-CIO. The disputes involving UNITE HERE and SEIU have been difficult for all concerned. It is my hope that this decision could establish the kind of distance and calm to bring an end to a dispute that has served as a distraction for too long. I believe a resolution is within grasp of the parties, and I’m hopeful that an expeditious and fair settlement can be reached.
“We will continue to work closely with UNITE HERE and all unions in our efforts to advance the cause of working people.”
September 10, 2009
Statement of UFCW on President Obama
For Immediate Release
(WASHINGTON, DC) – “Last night, President Obama called our national attention to a very simple reality: far too many working Americans don’t have access to quality health care, and many of those who do can’t afford it.
“President Obama and the working families of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union know that we cannot wait any longer. Political intrigue and partisan bickering can no longer excuse inaction in the face of a nation crying out for reform. The urgent challenge of rebuilding America’s middle class is daunting under any circumstances and insurmountable without restoring choice and shared responsibility to our health care system.
“The need for decisive action has never been more urgent. President Obama’s commitment to a public option will ensure that all Americans have the basic coverage they need to care for their families. Affecting real change is never easy, but the stakes are too high for us to settle for anything less.”
UFCW News Service
September 10, 2009
UFCW Members Join Push on Capital Hill for Labor Law Reform
(Washington, DC) – Building on growing momentum, thousands of progressive activists from around the country came to Washington, D.C., this morning to tell their elected leaders that workers need and deserve meaningful labor law reform. Joining them will be several hundred UFCW members who support the Employee Free Choice Act. The diverse group will unite in one voice to remind lawmakers why the legislation is vital to rebuilding our economy.
The massive delegation headed to Washington represents organizations and individuals who view the Employee Free Choice Act as fundamental to the future of America’s middle class. Whether they are small business owners, veterans, farmers, students, faith leaders, civil rights activists, women’s advocates, or environmentalists, people from around the state are joining others from across the country to send a powerful message that updating our obsolete labor laws is a fundamental cause for everyone.
Once in Washington, activists will meet with congressional members and other leaders on Sept. 10 to discuss the importance of passing the Employee Free Choice Act this year, as it is a critical vehicle on the path to long-term and sustainable economic recovery. The legislation will give workers a fair path to form a union, toughen penalties against employers who violate the law, and prevent companies from delaying and stalling negotiations to deny workers a contract.
September 8, 2009
AmeriCold Workers Win Solid Wage and Benefit Increases in First Union Contract
(CRETE, Neb.) – Workers at the Americold plant in Crete, Nebraska, obtained their first-ever union contract. This five-year contract negotiated by union members of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 271 provides solid wage and benefit increases.
“This contract gives us wages that protect full-time, families supporting jobs in our community,” said Gene Muff, an Americold worker and a member of UFCW Local 271. “When all workers in the heartland stand together for a voice on the job, we can raise everyone’s wages, benefits and working conditions.”
With this contract, 150 workers at Americold will join the more than 250,000 workers in the poultry and meatpacking industries nationwide who have a union contract with the UFCW.
The new Americold contract includes:
– Average wage increases of $1.44/hr for the first year and an additional 30 cents per hour for the next four years;
– A formal system to resolve workplace issues;
– Time and a half pay for holiday work;
– Night shift premium wages;
– Affordable family health coverage;
– Job advancement opportunities based on seniority;
– Funeral leave and paid vacation benefits.
The Americold contract is the latest of several major collective bargaining wins for UFCW packing and food processing members across the country.
For more information, contact Gonzalo Salvador at (202) 466-1591 or
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September 1, 2009
UFCW, Partners Announce New Agenda Challenging Walmart to Change Practices for the Sake of the American Economy
Washington, DC – UFCW International Vice President and Director Pat O’Neill today announced a new national comprehensive American values-driven agenda to hold Walmart accountable to its workers, our communities and the planet. He was joined by Nelson Lichtenstein, author of The Retail Revolution: How Walmart Created a Brave New World of Business, and Kim Bobo, Executive Director of Interfaith Worker Justice on a call to launch a broad coalition of labor, environmental and community groups who are calling on Walmart to join them in supporting the core American values of worker rights, quality jobs, equal opportunity, corporate responsibility and a healthy environment.
“Labor Day is an important time to reflect on the state of the American workplace and worker. As the world’s largest retailer, and America’s number one private employer, Walmart has the largest, most profound impact on jobs and on our economy,” O’Neill said. “Nobody wants an economy where workers earn wages that can’t support a family. Nobody wants an economy where people who go to work everyday and work hard have to turn to public assistance for basic needs.
“The Department of Labor last week released a report showing that the retail sector will see tremendous growth in the coming years, and it is up to all of us to determine what kinds of jobs those will be. We are trying to engage Walmart, not isolate it. With 1.4 million Americans working in its stores, Walmart bears a unique responsibility to its workers and our communities, and we’re asking them to embrace this challenge.”
On the conference call, O’Neill issued direct challenges to Walmart in five key areas: worker rights, quality jobs, equal opportunity, corporate responsibility and a healthy environment. He then laid out next steps for how the coalition, led by the UFCW, will hold Walmart accountable for those challenges, and to the ideals it puts forth in its advertising.
The full American Values Agenda for Change at Walmart can be viewed at
Additionally, Lichtenstein asserted Walmart’s vast impact on the American economy.
“When a company gets to be as big as Wal-Mart and employs so many workers – more than any other private enterprise in the world – it is no longer a ‘private’ entity,” Lichtenstein said. “It sets the wage and benefit standard for every other mass retailer and influences the business practices of just about every firm in America’s huge service sector. So Wal-Mart is part of this country’s debate: on health care, wages, equal employment, and the role of trade unionism in our democracy.”
Coalition members include: AFL-CIO, Change to Win, Sierra Club, Campaign for America’s Future, National Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, National Consumers League, AFSCME, American Rights at Work, Communications Workers of America, Interfaith Worker Justice, LIUNA, National Labor Coordinating Committee, Service Employees International Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, United Auto Workers, United Farmer Workers and United Steel Workers.
As a part of the launch of this important new campaign, will be releasing two new television advertisements called “Common Sense Economics Rules” calling on Walmart to offer quality, affordable health care coverage to all its employees. Both ads highlight Walmart’s failure to cover 700,000 of its employees, nearly half of its workforce. They end with the message “Walmart can afford to be a better employer; Now would be a good time to start.”
The ads can be viewed at:
August 31, 2009
UFCW Join Mexican Consul General to Launch Celebration of “Labor Rights Week” as Labor Day 2009 Approaches
Local Unions Partner with Mexican Consulate in Thirteen Cities to Offer Innovative Worker Rights Programming
(Chicago, Ill.) – The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is proud to partner with the Embassy of Mexico, the U.S. Department of Labor and allied organizations to promote the first “Semana de Derechos Laborales”, or Labor Rights Week. UFCW International President Joe Hansen joined the Mexican Consul General of Chicago, Manuel Rodríguez Arriaga, to launch the national outreach and education program that is taking place in thirteen cities across the country.
As Labor Day 2009 approaches, Semana de Derechos Laborales, which continues through September 4, will focus on the inclusion of Mexican nationals in American workplaces and communities. Programming includes workshops and informational sessions on labor, immigration, and human rights.
“Our communities and neighborhoods are better, safer places to work and live when all workers know and exercise their rights,” said Hansen. “Semana de Derechos Laborales is a perfect way to empower Mexican national workers with information and promote full participation in the civic fabric of our nation. The UFCW has been a union of immigrants for more than 100 years and this weeks’ program helps ensure that a new generation of workers has the resources to have their voice heard on the job.”
Educating immigrant workforces about rights in the workplace helps raise the standard of treatment for all workers in industries where new immigrants often work, including meatpacking, food processing, and grocery.
“In the past few years, a growing number of immigrant workers were subject to abuse under a mantle of fear that was created by policy approaches which allowed unscrupulous employers to use immigration status to threaten deportation if workers reported discrimination, wage and hour or health and safety violations. We recognize the leadership of Secretary Solis in this issue and believe that joint efforts like the Labor Rights Week will strengthen our ability to protect the rights of our nationals abroad”, said Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan.
The UFCW is a proud partner in this week’s activities and has worked with local consulate offices to prepare activities uniquely suited to the communities in which they are offered. The program in Fresno, California, conducted by the local consulate and UFCW Local 5 will focus outreach to workers in the agricultural and dairy industries. UFCW Local 540 and local partners in Dallas, Texas, are taking questions about labor rights on a three-hour long news broadcast program on the local Univision network. The kick-off event in Chicago, Illinois will feature President Hansen and Consul General Rodríguez Arriaga, who will be joined by a number of community leaders.
More details about local events are available at
The UFCW has been a national leader in the fight to develop a fairer, more humane immigration system. President Hansen recently served as founding chairman of a national commission which studied federal raids on workplaces and made recommendations for comprehensive immigration reform.
Earlier this year, UFCW Canada and the Mexican state of Michoacán signed a landmark co-operation agreement to ensure that the human and labor rights of agricultural workers from Michoacán, Mexico are recognized and enforced while they work in Canadian fields and greenhouses.
With 1.3 million members, the UFCW is the nation’s largest private-sector union with members in the supermarket, meatpacking, food processing, and other industries.
Programming open to the media will continue until September 4. Inquiries and interview requests should be directed to Jill Cashen, UFCW, 202-728-4797 or
August 31, 2009
UFCW en Conjunto con el Consulado General de M
UFCW en Conjunto con el Consulado General de México Lanzarán Celebración de la “Semana de Derechos Laborales” en la Aproximación del Día del Trabajo de 2009.
Filiales Locales de la Unión Trabajarán Junto a los Consulados Mexicanos en Trece Ciudades para Ofrecer Innovadores Programas de Derechos Laborales
(Chicago, Ill.) – La Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de Alimentos y del Comercio (UFCW, por sus siglas en inglés) está orgullosa de asociarse a la Embajada de México, el Departamento de Trabajo y otras organizaciones aliadas para promover la primera “Semana de Derechos Laborales” (Labor Rights Week). Joe Hansen, presidente internacional de la UFCW, se unió a Manuel Rodríguez Arriaga, cónsul general de México en Chicago, para lanzar una campaña nacional de alcance y un programa de educación que se están realizando en trece ciudades en todo el país.
En la aproximación del Día del Trabajo de 2009, La Semana de Derechos Laborales continuará hasta el 4 de septiembre y se enfoca en la inclusión de los nacionales mexicanos en los lugares de trabajo y comunidades de los Estados Unidos. Los programas incluyen clases y sesiones informativas en derechos laborales, inmigración y derechos humanos.
“Nuestras comunidades y vecindarios son lugares mejores y más seguros para trabajar y vivir cuando todos los trabajadores saben y ejercen sus derechos”, expresó Hansen. “La Semana de Derechos Laborales es una manera perfecta para dar más poder a los trabajadores mexicanos por medio de la información y promoción de su participación activa en la base cívica de nuestra nación. La UFCW ha sido la unión de los inmigrantes por más de 100 años y el programa a realizarse estas semanas ayudará a asegurar que una nueva generación de trabajadores tenga los medios para que puedan hacer escuchar su voz en los lugares donde trabajan”.
Educar a los trabajadores inmigrantes sobre los derechos de los inmigrantes en sus lugares de trabajo ayuda a mejorar los estándares del trato a todos los trabajadores en las industrias en donde los nuevos inmigrantes generalmente trabajan, incluyendo las empacadoras cárnicas, procesadoras de alimentos y supermercados.
“En los últimos años, un creciente número de trabajadores inmigrantes fueron sujetos a abusos bajo el manto del miedo que fue creado por políticas que permitieron a empleadores inescrupulosos usar el estatus migratorio para amenazar a sus trabajadores con la deportación si ellos reportaban discriminación, o violaciones salariales, sanitarias o de salud. Reconocemos que el liderazgo de la Secretaria Solis en este tema y creemos que los esfuerzos conjuntos como la Semana de Derechos Laborales fortalecerán nuestra capacidad para proteger los derechos de nuestros compatriotas en el extranjero”, indicó Arturo Sarukhan, embajador de México en los Estados Unidos.
La UFCW está orgullosa se estar asociada con las actividades de esta semana y ha trabajado con las oficinas consulares para preparar las actividades únicamente adecuadas para las comunidades en las cuales se ofrecen. Dentro de estas se encuentran el programa en Fresco, California, dirigido por el consulado local y el Local 5 de la UFCW que se enfocará en alcanzar a los trabajadores en las industrias agrarias y de productos lácteos. El Local 540 de la UFCW y socios locales en Dallas, Texas, están recibiendo preguntas sobre los derechos de los trabajadores en un programa televisivo transmitido por la cadena Univisión que dura tres horas. El evento inaugural se realizará en Chicago con el Presidente Hansen y el Cónsul General Rodríguez Arriaga, quienes estarán acompañados de varios líderes comunitarios.
Más detalles sobre los eventos locales están disponibles en el
La UFCW ha liderado la lucha nacional para desarrollar un sistema de inmigración más humano y justo. El Presidente Hansen recientemente fue el presidente fundador de una comisión nacional que estudió las redadas federales en los lugares de trabajo y realizó recomendaciones para una reforma migratoria comprensiva.
Previamente en este año, la UFCW en Canadá y el estado mexicano de Michoacán, firmaron un histórico acuerdo de cooperación para asegurarse que los derechos humanos y laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas de Michoacán, México sean reconocidos y cumplidos mientras trabajan en los campos e invernaderos de Canadá.
Con 1.3 millones de miembros, la UFCW es la unión (sindicato) más grande dentro del sector privado con miembros en supermercados, empacadoras cárnicas, procesamiento de comida, y otras industrias.
Los programas están abiertos a los medios de comunicación y continuarán hasta el 4 de septiembre. Preguntas y peticiones de entrevistas deben ser dirigidas a Jill Cashen, UFCW al 202-728-4797 o
August 31, 2009
UFCW Joins Mexican Consul General to Launch Celebration of
Food and Commercial Workers Join Mexican Consul General to Launch Celebration of “Labor Rights Week” as Labor Day 2009 Approaches
Local Unions Partner with Mexican Consulate in Thirteen Cities to Offer
Innovative Worker Rights Programming
(Chicago, Ill.) – The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is proud to partner with the Embassy of Mexico, the U.S. Department of Labor and allied organizations to promote the first “Semana de Derechos Laborales”, or Labor Rights Week. UFCW International President Joe Hansen joined the Mexican Consul General of Chicago, Manuel Rodríguez Arriaga, to launch the national outreach and education program that is taking place in thirteen cities across the country.
As Labor Day 2009 approaches, Semana de Derechos Laborales, which continues through September 4, will focus on the inclusion of Mexican nationals in American workplaces and communities. Programming includes workshops and informational sessions on labor, immigration, and human rights.
“Our communities and neighborhoods are better, safer places to work and live when all workers know and exercise their rights,” said Hansen. “Semana de Derechos Laborales is a perfect way to empower Mexican national workers with information and promote full participation in the civic fabric of our nation. The UFCW has been a union of immigrants for more than 100 years and this weeks’ program helps ensure that a new generation of workers has the resources to have their voice heard on the job.”
Educating immigrant workforces about rights in the workplace helps raise the standard of treatment for all workers in industries where new immigrants often work, including meatpacking, food processing, and grocery.
“In the past few years, a growing number of immigrant workers were subject to abuse under a mantle of fear that was created by policy approaches which allowed unscrupulous employers to use immigration status to threaten deportation if workers reported discrimination, wage and hour or health and safety violations. We recognize the leadership of Secretary Solis in this issue and believe that joint efforts like the Labor Rights Week will strengthen our ability to protect the rights of our nationals abroad”, said Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan.
The UFCW is a proud partner in this week’s activities and has worked with local consulate offices to prepare activities uniquely suited to the communities in which they are offered. The program in Fresno, California, conducted by the local consulate and UFCW Local 5 will focus outreach to workers in the agricultural and dairy industries. UFCW Local 540 and local partners in Dallas, Texas, are taking questions about labor rights on a three-hour long news broadcast program on the local Univision network. The kick-off event in Chicago, Illinois will feature President Hansen and Consul General Rodríguez Arriaga, who will be joined by a number of community leaders.
More details about local events are available at
The UFCW has been a national leader in the fight to develop a fairer, more humane immigration system. President Hansen recently served as founding chairman of a national commission which studied federal raids on workplaces and made recommendations for comprehensive immigration reform.
Earlier this year, UFCW Canada and the Mexican state of Michoacán signed a landmark co-operation agreement to ensure that the human and labor rights of agricultural workers from Michoacán, Mexico are recognized and enforced while they work in Canadian fields and greenhouses.
With 1.3 million members, the UFCW is the nation’s largest private-sector union with members in the supermarket, meatpacking, food processing, and other industries.
Programming open to the media will continue until September 4. Inquiries and interview requests should be directed to Jill Cashen, UFCW, 202-728-4797 or
August 28, 2009
Plumrose Settles Allegations of Labor Law Violations
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa–In the face of allegations that it had violated numerous federal laws, Plumrose USA has entered into a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Many workers at Plumrose, which processes deli meats and pork products at its facility in Council Bluffs, have been taking steps to form a union with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) for several years. Plumrose had been charged with giving workers the impression that they were under surveillance and that their immigration status would be reported to federal authorities, forbidding employees from discussing the union at work, and interrogating workers about union activities.
“This settlement just confirms what so many of us have known for a long time,” said Carlos Barraza, a ten-year Plumrose worker. “It’s long past time for change at Plumrose. The only way we’ll get a real voice on the job here is by exercising our rights and standing together.”
The settlement requires Plumrose to post a notice in its Council Bluffs facility informing employees that federal law protects their right to form a union for their “benefit and protection” and that it would be unlawful for Plumrose to interfere with the exercise of that right. The full text of the notice can be found at
“Plumrose is a textbook case on why workers need a free and fair process to form a union,”” said Mark Lauritsen, Director of the UFCW Manufacturing, Packing, and Food Processing Division. “Standing up for yourself and your coworkers shouldn’t carry the risk of the boss’s wrath or losing your job. The employees who are forced to work in such a hostile environment hope that this settlement represents a new attitude at Plumrose toward the free exercise of the right to form a union.”
More than 1.3 million food processing, grocery, and retail workers in the United States and Canada have joined together in the UFCW to protect their workplace rights and to improve working conditions.
August 26, 2009
UFCW members stand with Arizona workers for humane and fair immigration policies
PHOENIX—The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) and UFCW Local 99 today held a community forum with Arizona workers to discuss how a failed national immigration policy has caused widespread confusion and fear among workers and their families . At a community meeting today, UFCW leaders discussed the country’s failed immigration system, which has resulted in massive disruption of economics and business operations. Today’s event is part of a national series of community outreach events designed to bring people together, celebrate unity, and defend the rights of legal residents, citizens and workers.
“We have seen federal agents routinely violate the 4th Amendment rights of workers during massive workplace raids across the country,” said Mark Lauritsen, UFCW International Vice President. “Until national leaders fix our country’s immigration system, our local communities will be torn apart, and the constitutional rights of citizens and legal residents will be routinely violated. Our country desperately requires a framework for moving forward, humanely and comprehensively, to fix our immigration system. Broken enforcement is exacerbating a broken immigration system. We stand with the Phoenix community to question whether local police officers will be able to enforce immigration laws without exposing the city residents to racial profiling, discrimination and violating civil rights.”
Among those who spoke at the meeting were UFCW workers who—one year ago, on December 12, 2006 (the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a Mexican religious celebration)—were illegally detained at meatpacking plants in five states in workplace raids carried out by federal agents at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). More than 12,000 meatpacking workers—including citizens, legal residents and immigrants in the process of legalization—were swept up in ICE raids at six meat packing plants. The UFCW represents workers at five of the plants, including Worthington, Minn.; Greeley, Colo.; Cactus, Tex.; Marshalltown, Iowa; and Grand Island, Neb.
“It is disgraceful how law enforcement officials violate basic human rights just because our government cannot fix the immigration system,” said Maria Acosta of Phoenix, who works at Food City grocery store.
“I was interrogated and detained for hours just because federal agents thought I was breaking immigration laws,” said Pasqual Talamantes, a UFCW meatpacking worker from Grand Island, Neb. “They were handcuffing us and holding guns. I told them I was a citizen, born here in the United States, and they did not believe me.”
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For more information: